Luxfer Graphic Arts is a “one stop shop” when it comes to the production of etched metal dies and provides a full range of chemicals to ensure that our engravers attain the best possible results. Used in conjunction with our coated sheets Luxfer guarantee the performance of our Trade marked and IP owned chemical products.

Magnesium Etching Oils
We are in the process of consolidating our etching oils into one product offering “Opti-Etch” is our market leader and magnesium etching oil of choice, Opti-Etch is blended and tested to ensure smooth shoulders consistent etch rate and good magnesium absorption leading to extended bath life.

Developer Chemicals
Luxfer Graphic Arts supplies developer solutions specially formulated for each photoresist coating offered on our precision-made photoengraving plates. Products include a solvent-based developer for our traditional Red Top™ magnesium photoengraving plates, as well as aqueous-based developers tailored to Hydro-Solve® magnesium, Hydro-Coat® copper, zinc and brass and POS-E-COPPER (Conta) and ZINC.
Magnesium MD developer
Solvent-based developer for use with Red Top™ magnesium photoengraving plates.
Hydro-Solve® developer concentrate
Aqueous-based developer for use with Hydro-Solve® magnesium photoengraving plates.
Hydro-Coat® cold developer concentrate
Aqueous-based developer for use with Hydro-Coat® copper, zinc or brass photoengraving plates.
Hydro-Coat® hot developer concentrate
Aqueous-based developer for use with Hydro-Coat® copper, zinc or brass photoengraving plates.
POS-E-Plate® developer
Aqueous-based developer for use with POS-E Conta® copper and zinc photoengraving plates.
Luxfer Graphic Arts supplies a range of sundry items to aid our customers in faultless production, these products often seem insignificant but are integral to daily manufacturing of high quality dies.
- Descumming pads
- Elektron Counter Epoxy resin
- G11 Counterboard
- Hydro-Solve® spray resist